We recently caught up with Adelaide Hip Hop artist 3SIDEZ to chat about his new single Something About Mary. Enjoy!
What is the inspiration behind your new single
‘Something About Mary’?
The production of the track was inspired by Jimi Hendrix and the storyline was inspired from the original movie ‘Something About Mary’ with Cameron Diaz and Ben Stiller. It’s a lighthearted fun song that focusses on connection and intimacy.
Who is your biggest musical inspiration and why?
I have many musical inspirations as I enjoy listening to all types of genres and don’t like to limit myself to one certain artist/genre.
Where is your favourite place to play?
I haven’t played many shows in other cities as of yet but it’s something I’m working hard on achieving in the future. I live in Adelaide and it’s an awesome place to play with so many venues, catering to all audiences.
If you could support any 3 artists (past or present) who would they be?
Logic, 2pac, J Cole
How did you come up with the name 3SIDEZ?
I believe there is always three sides to every story and I speak my truth through my music and want to motivate others to live their truth. I also feel I have the three styles of music I enjoy making most; Hip Hop, RnB/Soul and EDM.
What are some of the challenges of being an independent artist in Australia?
For me it’s keeping on top of everything, I do a lot of it myself from content creation, managing/servicing it, social media posting, scheduling music, etc.
My biggest challenge is knowing how to get bigger exposure for my music, whether it’d be on a certain type of platform, blog post, gig or knowing the right people, it can be especially hard to know where my music will be heard.
What is next for 3SIDEZ?
There is heaps of new music still to come from me this year as I’m dropping more singles and videos. I’ve also just created my own freestyle series called 3Styles where I’ll be posting a one take freestyle video every month.
Do you do anything creative outside of your musical endeavours?
I started a clothing line called Positive Vibes The Movement with my partner who is a graphic designer. It is an Adelaide based brand. I also MC on the weekend at two Adelaide clubs, which is a passion of mine and is still connected to music in a different way. From my teens I received my trade certificate in painting and decorating which is what I do part-time in the week.
What advice would you give to up and coming Australian artists?
Do what you love and don’t let people hold you back from what you believe is the right thing to do for your music. It’s a hard game to be in but we only get one shot in life. So, start making small moves and they can become huge.
And finally, who is your favourite local artist that we should look out for?
Boffa and Coxy from my home town are dope artists and I know they have a lot to offer in the world of Aussie Hip Hop. I’m excited to see where their music takes them. Matiah is a singer/songwriter who has a huge amount of potential in this industry, listen out for her in the near future!