Andrew Jay:
We recently sat down with Brisbane based Alternative Rock artist Andrew Jay to discuss his new single Broken Man and much more!
Welcome Andrew Jay! Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I grew up in Sydney on the Northern Beaches and spent most of my 20s jumping around Jobs & bands I was unhappy with. After loosing a close friend to suicide in September 2018 I started realizing that I needed to focus 100% of my time on building myself up. I met wife wife during the pandemic in 2020 and moved to Brisbane where I have found myself again through love, career, fitness, a healthier circle of friends and playing music on my own terms. Since moving to another state my life has completely transformed and I am excited for that the future holds.
Congratulations on your new single ‘Broken Man’! How has the single been received so far?
It’s been great getting personal messages from people around the world who have lost someone to suicide and the songs really pulls on their heartstrings. I’m just glad I can help someone out. I don’t care about fame. Music is my meditation!
What inspired the new single?
I lost my best mate to suicide back in 2018. I was the last person with him so it is always a weird feeling knowing that I was one of the last people he spoke to. I guess the songs about checking in with ya mates* not necessarily giving them advice but just being a good listener. You can only lead a horse to water…
How have you been dealing with the COVID situation over the past couple of years?
To be honest COVID was just a test for me. I mean it’s a horrible thing but I always focus on the positives. I met my wife, got married and started a new life in Brisbane right before Sydney went into lockdown so I can’t complain really.
Do you have any shows or tours on the cards now that lockdowns are slowly lifting?
No shows at the moment. I am focusing on writing and managing all my other projects including Bloke Basket (my products & apparel business supporting men’s mental health.) I’ll play some shows later in the year.
How does your songwriting process work?
I’ve always been a very visual person. When I’m writing music I usually start with an image of a person having an experience with something or a landscape that makes me feel a certain way. That will then determine the Chords, Riff or picking style that would suit and the best way to express that on my instruments and lyrics. I usually go into the studio with 60-70% of a song and the rest comes naturally if I trust the process.
Who is your biggest musical inspiration?
Blink 182 as they were the reason i started playing music at 14.
What is the highlight of your musical career?
Highlight would be all people I’ve met over the years through music. Some people I still speak to today and its like a family.
What is the hardest part of being an independent musician?
Managing a full time job, 2 side projects and being a married man haha.
What is next for Andrew Jay?
I plan to release an EP later in the year and I’ll do some local shows around that release. It’s going to be more electronic this next drop!