Schitts Creek:
For me Schitts Creek is a sort of “Adam’s Family,” or maybe”The Munsters.” Filled with loveable, extremely strange people, completely out of odds with the world, unable to see themselves as others might see them. But deep down there is a sense of kindness and redemption that is their story.
The series is over, it swept the Emmys this year. I was completely unaware of this massive gold nugget until the Emmy’s so I started watching. I haven’t stopped.
Set in the very fictional town of Schitt’s Creek, the multi million dollar empire of the Rose family has collapsed and they are allowed to keep the one thing no one wants, the town of Schitt’s Creek, bought in some heady by Johnny Ros(now disgraced multi millionaire) moment of ignorance.
Populated by the oddest collection of people, that no doubt the casting crew had to really search for. Schitts Creek for all that strange collection is a kind town, filled with good natured people. Gay, Straight or bi, every one gets along with each other in a more or less ordered fashion.
But Schitts Creek starts with some pretty mean people, or at least people who start mean. The Roses of Los Angeles (or somewhere?) are selfish and manipulative and over-pampered. But Schitts Creek is not some sour comedy series about people behaving badly.
The Roses can be awful, ignorant, almost cruel but they also grow from their mistakes. They experience and express contrition. It’s a show about how to care, how to relate and how to bridge that awful social divide. There is a werid out of place logic that seems to apply in this place.
The Rose family is filled with the most insane, silly people. Take Johnny Rose, father of the family. David’s out of place self interest, his attempts to keep his family inline, his love for Moira Rose and how he has to sidestep her outlandish approaches to life, together with the fact he has trouble mixing with others.
Then there is David Rose, never having ridden a bycyle, or really driven a car, fashion obsessed and completely our of place in Schitts Creek, it is a delight to see him embrassed, frought and befuddled by the family. The honesty of his sexuality and how it as a part of him and some of the ridiculous outfits, make him in the end as much loved character.
The same goes for Annie Murphy’s Alexis, David’s self obsessed and self-interested sister, who has not lost any of her precocious ways. How those boyfriends stay around? Mutt and the beard episode, or the strange relationship with the Vet. Who is strange himself.
And then there’s Catherine O’Hara playing faded and loopy ex soap star from Sunrise Bay. Moira with has a bulldozer full of front end comedy straight out of some Mel Brooks film.
Her voice alone, is enough to set he apart in comedic history. Its a wonderful performance and you are never sure what the next line, or the next situation is going to present. The town Council scenes where she applies the theatre opening night are comedic genius.
It is all supplemented beautifully, garishly by a collection of hideously ornate costumes and wild wigs. Moira Rose is one of my favorite female television characters of all time, beating Morticia Adams to the vote.
I have come to Schitts Creek late. It’s over. Finished. But this Canadian series is something I think the Americans could no longer make. Gentle, sweet, funny, its scene after scene of copmic brilliance within each episode.
Highly recommend.