The Mummies
Budget rock icons the Mummies are touring Australia for the first time in their long undead history. Known for their tatty Mummy costumes and recording on the cheapest equipment the Mummies back in the 90s were one of the most influential bands on the California garage rock scene. Their “Back from the Grave” 60s garage/surf style has made them cult favorites all cross the world. While still playing, shows for the Mummies are few and far between, so an Oz tour is a pretty big deal. Drummer Russell Quan was brilliant enough to answer some questions from an undisclosed location.
Munster: Your coming to Australia soon, what took the band so long?
Russell: we were busy figuring out which easybeats records we were missing. Munster: Prior to the Mummies starting which bands did you play in?
Russell: the horseless headmen (slated release on kavern 7 label 1987), los creeple peeple Munster: How did the Mummies start?
Russell: i dont know they started without me. maz told me to emulate him Munster: What was the garage rock scene like in California at the time?
Russell: none Munster: What lead to the decision to use the less then top shelf equipment you used?
Russell: our budget and love of rotten plywood Munster: Who came up with the Mummie costumes and was that a way of standing out from the other bands?
Russell: tRENT AND mAZ ,IT IS a big joke
Munster: What influence did Billy Childish ave on the band and what was it like later touring with him?
Russell: i missed out on touring with the headcoats but mighty ceasars are big in mummy world Munster: What point do you consider to be the peak period of the Mummies career?
Russell: ha ha career? its avocation completely! Munster: What was it like working with Mike Maraconda?
Russell: i dont remember much about it except that he didnt like the pizza in california Munster: What process went into making Party at Steves House?
Russell: Trent PLayed Sax and Darin played Bass, Larry played guitar i played the fool Munster: What lead to the decision to release all the bands out put on vinyl only?
Russell: some are on cds , we were anti new stuff you know Munster: Death by Unga Bunga was released on CD only, where you happy to ditch the vinyl only policy by then?
Russell: cds became the new cheap format Munster: What lead to the decision to call it a day in the mid 90s?
Russell: ran out of good jokes to make ourselves laugh
Munster: What was it like touring Europe?
Russell: THilo Pieper , Michael Larrisch, JOhannes Bokkerman took us all over there.
we ate lots of bread, chocomel and thilos mothers schnitzel. people were dissapointed we were not a psychobilly band and bought beat records spending Deutchmarks, GUilders and francs. Munster: How did the band appear on John Peels Show? Did you meet him?
Russell: John was out of the office, but he had a henchman take our order. we saw a
sign that frank sinatra had recorded there. JOsh Collins and Barbara
Collins who are our Australian tour bosses got us on the JOhn Peel
session. Munster: The Mummies ave shunned Facebook and other types of social media, any particular reason why you guys don/t do social media?
Russell: i saw a mummies site on facebook buts none of us running it. Munster: The Mummies were consider pioneers when it came to budget rock, so what do you make of technology these days when it comes to recording when bands can now record on a laptop and throw on the internet straight away.
Russell: good deal! cheaper the better! Munster: What lead to the band starting up again?
Russell: boredom! Munster: Please tell the reader about the vehicle you got around in with the Mummies, some sort of ambulance?
Russell: 62 pontiac ambulance. r.i.p. ( rust in pieces ) Munster: Aside from the Mummies what else do you do with yourself.
Russell:auto mechanic it says on my tax return. future bippy manufactureer Munster: What else is coming on the horizon for the Mummies? Any new material?
Russell: more successful record shopping in your country i hope! im missing one purple hearts 45 Munster: Standard final question, favouirte LP by the Fall please. Russell: vol 3 the easybeats ha ha
Mummies play Max Watts, Melbourne Wednesday 09 March 2016.
Tickets http://tickets.oztix.com.au/?Event=57919